Dewey's Readathon: After the 4th Hour

It's 12 midnight where I am, and four hours have passed since the Readathon started. My children and my husband are asleep, while I am here, struggling not to fall in with them. Although I started reading exactly at 8, which is when the Readathon started, I lost an hour and a half in between due to a long personal phone call. Goes to show that, no matter how well you plan things, life gets in the way. Ah well.

So, how am I doing? Here are my stats, so far...

Title of book read since last update: Still Pillars of the Earth (I'm only reading the one book, but I'm trying to finish it.)

Pages read since last update: 90 pages of extremely tiny font

Running total of pages read since you started: 90 pp.

Amount of time spent reading since last update: 2 1/2 hrs.

Mini-challenges completed: None. Not really planning to do any.

Other participants you’ve visited: 10

Prize you’ve won: None yet, but if you give me one, then I can place something here.:)

Hope everyone's still reading and cheering strong! See you all in four hours, I hope.


How are you liking Pillars of the Earth? I've heard mixed reviews so haven't started it myself.

Happy reading!
90 pages of extremely small font is pretty dang good! Give yourself a pat on the back!!
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed Pillars of the Earth but I can't imagine reading it during the read-a-thon. Very ambitious!
Anonymous said…
I'm impressed that you're tackling one (such huge) book for the read-a-thon. I know a lot of people who have read pillars of the earth but for some reason have never been interested in it, so i'm gonna want to read your review and get a better idea of what it's about. Good luck!!
gege said…
You've probably overtaken me. I probably need to see a professional regarding my A.D.D. :)

Keep reading! :)
I know you're tired
And losin' the fire
You'd rather be sleeping
But keep on reading!!

Hope to see you when you wake up. ;)
Anonymous said…
1, 2, 3, 4
Hope your book isn’t a bore
5, 6, 7, 8
And your readathon is going great!
Anonymous said…
Pillars of the Earth is a big undertaking - I hope you survive it and the readathon intact!
Amused said…
Keep up the good work - I know that books a hard one!
Julie said…
I'd like to read Pillars of the Earth soon as well! Enjoy it and enjoy the readathon!

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
Cass said…
A thought to mull over: “The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.” -- John Greenleaf Whittier

Enjoy your reading!
kikiv68 said…
"Woke up this morning with/a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read."-Raymond Carver.
Sunny reading vibes from Miami...Dewey's Read-A-Thon Cheerleader. Keep up the good work!
fantaghiro23 said…
Thank you all to the wonderful cheerleaders! Pillars is really an interesting book, so far, and I'm enjoying it even if I haven't got much reading done.

Promise to visit all your blogs later once I've logged in more pages.:)

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