To monetize or not to monetize?
Actually, to be honest, I did want to ask this question, but I also really wanted to play with Answer Garden.:) Discovered this in one of the educational websites I subscribe to. I may not teach anymore, but I'm always on the lookout for web 2.0 tools that I can recommend to former colleagues or teacher trainees. And so, because I can't experiment with these tools on an actual class now, permit me to experiment on you, dear reader.
Just type your answer to the question on the box provided and click submit. And voila!, you'll see your answer floating around in the garden. Kinda like a tag cloud, but I just thought it was a cool way to conduct a survey. Oh, if you hover over any of the answers, you can see how many people gave that answer. And if you're too lazy to type an answer or find an answer you like, just click on it, and that's your entry.
Are you turned off by blogs that have ads?... at
I hope you can help me out by answering this survey. I also hope you enjoy Answer Garden. These newfangled things are fun.:)
Are you turned off by blogs that have ads?... at
I hope you can help me out by answering this survey. I also hope you enjoy Answer Garden. These newfangled things are fun.:)
One thing you can do to possibly draw more followers or Google Reader subscribers is to create a full feed instead of partial feed. This is a simple setting in blogger that you can change, if you want. Even though partial feed forces people to click over to read the rest of your post, many bloggers are more apt to click over if you have full feed.
@Trish - I'm laughing right now, cause I used to have the full feed, but I remember a friend telling me not to put the full feed to draw more people to the blog. So I experimented recently. But you know what--I think you're right. I prefer the blogs who provide the full feed, so I'm putting that back. Thanks!