It's Book Blogger Appreciation Week!
Anyway, BBAW 2010 has the following theme: A Treasure Chest of Infinite Books & Infinite Blogs. So, each day, there's an assigned Treasure or blogging topic. Today's the First Treasure, wherein I share with you a great new book blog that I've discovered since last year's BBAW. And that great new discovery would have to be...
Ok, I know, Jane Doe's been around a while, so I feel bad that I just discovered her this year. But she talks about classics, which I love, and she's freaking hilarious! (which I love, as well). I went through several English Lit courses in college and grad school, so I've heard all the critical analysis bollocks and stuff. I liked it then, but it can get old, you know?
Jane Doe, though--she talks about the classics like how we didn't or couldn't talk about them in class--irreverently. She gushes or rants about them. And her writing is spectacularly witty. Just cracks me up. Don't take my word for it--go check her out!
Oh, one last thing: Happy BBAW, all! Even if you weren't able to join, throw some book blogger love out there, in any way possible. I'm sure someone will appreciate it.:)