BBAW Forgotten Treasure

It's the fourth day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, and today is all about forgotten treasures. Here's the prompt:
Sure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction.  This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider reading this book!
Now, I'm not sure if the books from this series are really forgotten, considering that the last one was just released this year. But I do think it deserves more marketing, since it is an awesome, awesome series. I'm talking about Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking series.

The first book is The Knife of Never Letting Go; second one's The Ask and the Answer; and the third is Monsters of Men, which I just reviewed a few months ago. I won't go into much detail in this post of why this series deserves to be read. You can just read my review of Monsters of Men, and I think that says it all. It is the best YA series I have ever read. The best. In fact, I've been pimping this book to anyone who will listen, so I'm not about to give up this opportunity to pimp it further.

Did anyone here also read the Chaos Walking books and loved them? If so, help me pimp them out, too.:) And for those of you who new to BBAW and are looking for book suggestions, well then check out these forgotten treasures of the different participants.


Tina said…
1/4 done with Knife, and I am loving it. Love, love, love. I would skip work if I can just to read it. :)
Anonymous said…
This is a great series and it doesn't always get the recognition it deserves.
Jinky said…
Thanks for putting me straight on Jonas/Christopher. My memory is soooo bad!! All this time, I thought Christopher was Jonas(long story). Now I have to re-align my thoughts...ugh!!

btw--I'll have to check out this series you're talking about on this post some day.

I've been meaning to start this series. I haven't heard a bad thing yet.
fantaghiro23 said…
@Tina - I know what you mean.:) Let me know what you think after you've read it.

@reviewsbylola - So true. That's why I'm pimping it.:)
fantaghiro23 said…
@Jinky - No sweat! It happens to me, too, more often than I care to admit.:)

@Michelle - Hope you do soon! In the YA Dystopian genre, it's the best of them all.
Chachic said…
I know you've recommended this series when we talked during the Mockingjay Launch Party. I've heard good things about it so I hope I get to read it when my TBR goes down a bit. I'll let you know when I do read them!
S. Krishna said…
I've read the first one, but I haven't read the second. I hope to get to it soon!

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