Book Tidbits 12: Wordle, Publisher's Websites, and more on Story.

  • I have a new toy! Note the tag cloud above, which was generated from the words most often used in this blog. Yep, that's courtesy of my new toy, Wordle. Of course, Wordle isn't really a book tidbit. But hey, it does fun stuff with the printed word, so I deem it deserves a mention.
  • In a previous post, I lamented other people's lament that Filipinos don't read. My position is that we do, though most of the reading is not what some people  would call high-brow. Then again, as a teacher, I've also often heard the complaint that youngsters nowadays don't read. Again, my position is, they do. They text a lot, they read online a lot, etc. However, this article at the Telegraph gives a good perspective on this issue. The main point? People read, but have become unused to good and difficult reading.
  • Neil Gaiman throws his two cents in on the apparent dichotomy between literary fiction and "genre" fiction. This Guardian blog post examines his introduction to a new short story anthology, aptly titled Stories. In Gaiman's intro, he asserts that we, as readers, want more than good writing; we want stories. 
  • Check out Huffington Post's Best and Worst Book Publisher's websites. Of course, it's American-centric, but interesting nonetheless. However, what I found more interesting was the follow up feature on Best Publishers on Facebook and Twitter. Consequently, I'm following more people on Twitter.:)
  • And because I finally discovered McSweeney's website, care of the links above, I came across this hilarious imaginary monologue of that font we all, at one point or another, must have used--Comic Sans. Makes me think of what we could get Times New Roman to say.


Anonymous said…
Glad to see you posting again!

And guess what else? EO885 has been signed!
fantaghiro23 said…
Thanks, Bloo! And read about the signing. Tweeted the happy news the other day.:)
Aldrin said…
Hi! Discovered your blog through Chachic's. :)

I just wanted to chime in on that bit you mentioned about McSweeney's. How was it possible that you only got to know of the site just recently? Haha. I love McSweeney's. Inarguably one of the best sites out there. Oh, and they're having their summer sale right now. I'd order a ton if only international shipping didn't cost a fortune.
fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Aldrin! Uh, I blame Facebook?:) Strangely, though, I never thought to look for a McSweeney website.

Been checking out their summer sale, too. Would order, but I'm counting on this local bookseller I know to come through with other McSweeney books.:)
Aldrin said…
Ooh, I'd like to know this local bookseller you're talking about. I think we'd be really good friends. Haha.

By the way, I like what you wrote in the little About section in your sidebar. I can totally relate. Thanks! :)
fantaghiro23 said…
Thanks, Aldrin.:) Oh, and the local bookseller is Jas of He had this McSweeney compilation up for sale before, which I totally missed out on. Darn.
Aldrin said…
I knew it! Haha. I've been a customer of Sir Jasper's for almost a year now. Really cool and generous guy. I hope he gets to put some McSweeney's stuff for sale soon. :)

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