Filipino Book Bloggers

I am a proud Pinoy and, as such, I want to dedicate a part of my blog to my fellow Filipino book bloggers. So, this post will hereafter be included in the menu bar on top.  And, for as long as I discover other Pinoy Book Bloggers, I will add to this list.

There's a great variety in these blogs, by the way. Some are new, some are newish, Some blog about YA, some blog about highly intellectual, literary reads. Some use blogspot, some use wordpress. But all of us, I'd like to believe, have this in common:

We are Filipino, and we are proud to blog about books.

(Updated as of June 20, 2011)

Filipino writers who blog about books

If you're a Filipino book blogger and I missed you, just leave me a comment below and I'll link to you ASAP. Likewise, if you want your blog removed from this list, for whatever reason, send me an email or leave a comment.

*Last updated: June 20, 2011. Total: 88 blogs.
**Note: Only blogs that have been updated at least six months prior were included. Previously included blogs are still on my Google Reader, however, so in the event of a resurrection, they will be re-included.


Anonymous said…
Do you count librarian bloggers as well? Cos I've seen several new ones by young librarians lately, like
fantaghiro23 said…
Sure, Bloo, as long as they're book bloggers.:) So far, these blogs here are blogs I've known and interacted with before. A few of them just recently. Anyway, will be glad to introduced to more.:)
Chachic said…
Hey Honey! Thanks for including me in this list. I was actually thinking of coming up with a Filipino book bloggers directory similar to this. I'll let you know if I ever do go forward with any plans.
fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Chachic! My pleasure.:) Sure, let me know if you put it up. Would be glad to link to it.:)
Jillian said…
So awesome :) Btw I'm Filipino and I'm a book blogger. You can find it here.
Anonymous said…
Gee, thanks for this list of Phiippine book bloggers. I'd like to check a lot of these sites out. Oh, and so much thanks too for including my link in your list :)
Astrid (Mrs.B) said…
Great idea! I'm half Filipino and live in the Philippines so if this counts, my blog is The Literary Stew:
Chachic said…
Hi again, I just came up with this directory and I hope you'll include your blog in the list. Just check out the introduction post to see the details. I hope to make this more comprehensive as fellow book bloggers find out about it. I intend to make a post for each blog so that subscribers can receive notifications whenever there's a new blog listed. :)
Rise said…
Hail, pinoy bloggers! The caretaker of the new world order or whatever. :)
fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Jillian! I added you already. Just realized I've been following your blog already on my Google reader. Which tells me I should really organize my reader.:)
fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Jo! My pleasure. Yours was one of the blogs that I found truly inspiring when I began blogging.:)
fantaghiro23 said…
@Mrs. B. - Hi! You know what's funny? Your blog has also been in my Google reader for a while, but I didn't tag you as a Filipino book blogger. Sorry! I added you here, by the way.:)
fantaghiro23 said…
@Chachic - Thanks! Will sign up.

@Rise - I have a feeling that a new world order care of book bloggers will turn into anarchy.:) But it's nice to know who else is out there.
Aldrin said…
Hello, Honey! (Feels weird saying that, haha) Thank you for including me in this list, mere hours after we got to correspond for the first time. I just wrote about it, among other book blogging-related things, on my blog. Again, salamat!
Tarie Sabido said…
Thank you for making this list. :o)
Anonymous said…
Does one have to really blog specifically about books? how about blogging for the act of writing/blogging? :) I blog books, rather make reviews on my site here: :)
Lightheaded said…
Yay for Pinoy book bloggers!

Thanks a lot for including me (though I rarely update nowadays. Need to remedy that soon.)
fantaghiro23 said…
Hey, Aldrin. Thanks for linking me in your post!

@Tarie - my pleasure!

@Innocent Dreamer - Hi! Right now, I'm limiting this list to book bloggers, since I think so many people blog just for the act of writing/blogging. But I can link to your reviews.

@Lightheaded - No problem!:)
test said…
great idea honey! thanks for popping by my blog, and yes, sure, add me :)

aloi at
fantaghiro23 said…
Hey, aloi! Of course I'll add you. New blog, I see.:)
Gaby317 said…
I'd love to join the list of Filipino Book Bloggers! Thanks for doing this!

gaby @ Starting Fresh
Jinky said…
What a great idea! --I'm Filipino and would like to be on your list.

Chachic said…
Hi Honey, just wanted to let you know that I did a post over at Filipino Book Bloggers to encourage discussion and I hope you'll participate. :)
fantaghiro23 said…
Hey, Gaby and Jinky! My apologies for the delay, but I finally added the links to your blogs, and a few more besides.

Chachic, I think it's great what you're doing at Filipino Book Bloggers. I enjoy reading the discussions there.:)
Mark David said…
Hello! My friend Mel told me about this site. I'm also a Filipino :)

My site's at:
fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Mark! Added you already.:)
Chachic said…
I know, I love the Filipino Friday discussions as well! I hope you don't mind that I check back here from time to time to "scout" for other Filipino book bloggers. :P
test said…
fantastic start! hail the pinoy bok bloggah! looking forward to a growing list!

fantaghiro23 said…
@Chachic - sure, no prob! I also check out the Filipino Book Bloggers site for blogs I can add to the list.:)

@aloi - hahaha! Yeah, for me it's fun to come up with a list. I'm a list addict.:) Currently, there are 52 blogs here. Given the growing number, will have to organize it soon.
Gilliene said…
Hi, would it be possible to add my blog in the list?

I'm really glad to see more Filipino bloggers around! I'm a Filipina myself too! Cheers to the Filipino bloggers of today!

fantaghiro23 said…
Hi, Gilliene! I added you already.:)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for visiting my blog! It's not a book blog, per se, but I do post my book reviews there. :D
GatheringBooks said…
Thank you, Honey, for including GatheringBooks in this list. It truly is lovely meeting a fellow Pinoy educator who has a deep passion for books. If anything, this bookblogging journey has led us to like-minded individuals and Mary, Fats, Libby and I are discussing that it does seem like it has a life and mind of its own once you unleash it (the website/blogs that is, hahaha). We shall include you in our list of sites as well, and we hope to have more conversations with you in the future. I shall keep you updated on what is going on in my part of the world in terms of book events, conferences, talks, workshops and such that other fellow-biblio-geeks might want to know about.

This is truly a wonderful post, we'd probably do a blog-tour very soon, once my work lets up a little. *Sigh*

=) Myra
I am delighted to find your blog. Filipinos are set to dominate the blogworld and there's just no stopping us.
Nina B. said…
Hi can you please add me to your list? I'm fairly new at book blogging, I only put up my blog this month but I'm hoping this would really work out. It'd be great to have a lot of blogger friends to share books and opinion with. I'm a Filipina through and through so...

Here's my blog:
Wanda said…
So glad to have found this page!
Please include my blog to your list:

Proud to be Pinoy! :-D

Igorotoz said…
Hi, looking for reviews on Ishiguro and stumbled on your blog.
I sometimes do 'reviews' :-)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for including me in the list.
Nina B. said…
Hi! Thanks for including me on the list :D
Thanks for including me here, Ate Honey! ^_^
Alexa S. said…
I think this is pretty darn awesome! Does it count if I'm Filipino but living in the US? :p
Unknown said…
I joined the Filipino Friday meme and stumbled on your blog. I'm happy to have found this list. I've been visiting the other blogs listed here and found so much resources and ideas. I hope you could add me to the list as well: Simple Clockwork -

Anonymous said…
Hello! Found this page at Sasha's blog. I'm Filipino and have been blogging about books since 2008.
Meanne said…
Hello I hope you can also include my site there on your list:

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