Being a good reader and a bad feminist
From my Goodreads' Challenge page . The last five books I've read, to date, 16 Mar 2015. I powered through a three-book erotic romance series last Saturday. It was the Cityscape series by Jessica Hawkins , which I found by Googling for edgy romance novels (don't ask). But, boy when you ask for edgy, they give you edgy. So I chose this series which seemed the right kind of edgy for me at the time (true love via an extramarital affair; not really an unfamiliar theme in more serious literature). I liked the series. Sure, there was a lot of back-and-forth from the female lead; an alpha male who is perfect, as they usually are; and loads of sex which was hot but, if translated to reality, would be exhausting. Nevertheless, I got sucked up by it. (NOTE: One does not power through three books in less than 18 hours if you're not sucked up by them.) I'd like to point out, though, that I feel these covers are a bit misleading. I mean, you'd think that this was B...