Filipino Friday: If we had a Reader's Convention...
Filipino Friday is a weekly discussion among the community of Filipino Book Bloggers about anything book or blog-related. I volunteered to host this week's discussion because of a burning question I have which I'd like my fellow book bloggers to answer.
First, the background:
During the Lit out Loud festival, Tarie and I, with a couple of our friends, were discussing what our ideal conference/convention would be. The LOL festival was good, but from a reader's and book blogger's perspective, it seemed that there was something lacking. So, we got to thinking of what kind of conference we'd like to have. Which got us to thinking, "Hey, what if we put up our own conference or convention?"
We had a small meeting last December with Chachic, Kenneth, and Paolo where Tarie and I pitched the idea, primarily to get feedback. There was an animated discussion and a number of suggestions, but, overall, there was support. We talked about possible talks and speakers, possible activities, venues, and dates. For instance, we know that we want to involve book bloggers and book club members, possibly have talks by and about them. We know that we want to invite some authors. We also know we'd like to have fun stuff, since it's more of a convention than a conference. The idea was and is still very amorphous, but at least we started something.
I sounded it out to a few other people, and they suggested to come up with objectives for this Reader's Convention, which I tried to, to wit:
- to celebrate readers and reading in the Philippines
- to promote the identity of the Filipino reader
- to have a closer connection between readers and writers and/or publishers
I'd like to pitch the question now to the greater Filipino book blogging community: If there should be a Reader's Convention, what talks or activities would you like to see in it? What topics and which speakers would you like to have? Also, would you attend or what would make you attend? And would you like to help out, if ever we get the ball really rolling?
Bear in mind that we're still in the early, early planning stages and nothing's definite. But, we'd like to make it happen eventually, which is why I'm consulting you. So fire away! Your comments and suggestions are greatly needed and appreciated.:)
And you know I am on board. Will help in whatever way possible - after my thesis. =D
I'd also like to hear from publishers on how they choose books for publishing, and authors too, and you know, fellow book lovers.
I think with this convention, its a great time to interact with other people who share our passions and learn what they think!
@fickle fan - Great suggestions! Thanks. Maybe we can arrange it early enough so you can schedule your trip for the Reader's Convention.
@Chachic - thanks! And my pleasure to host Filipino Friday.
@Myra - Fantastic! Thank you. Oh, and yes, saw your name in the program. Wish I could be there. Then again, who knows?
I'm bringing my NaNoWriMo writers, and if you want a talk on NaNoWriMo, I am game. :) And if you need help in planning, spreading the word, etc, count me in. :)
I'd like to see a giant book swap session. Just an idea, maybe we can break or establish some kind of world record. :)
@Gege - Love the idea of the tarps and audio/video snippets of the Filipino reader. And the giant book swap session! It's the kind of thing that'll get press mileage, and I'm not above admitting that I'd like press mileage to publicize the Filipino reading community.
I LOVE THIS IDEA. :) It will be crazy, but I love it. :)
would really be interested to see:
a) separate talks that you can sign up for and attend:
topics like a Pinoy Spec Fic Overview, Regional Literature (like Ilonggo or Ilokano Lit),
Filipino Mythology, and Understanding the Pinoy Reader
seem very interesting to me
b) lots of publishers' and authors' booths (and I definitely
wouldn't mind seeing some reading-related accessories there.
like reading lamps and kikay bookmarks haha)
c) activities for children and young readers (if this is
a three-day conference, perhaps a day devoted to them?
Activities like storytelling and creative writing and
putting a book together come to mind)
Sorry, ha, it feels as if my suggestions are all over the page. :)
It's just that your topic has gotten me excited. I'd definitely
help out any way I can.