My Ten Teen Reads
A bit late in the game, but I still want to celebrate Teen Read Week with the rest of the world. I left my teens almost half my life ago (now there's a mathematical conundrum for you), and I really have no desire of going back, except perhaps to reminisce about the books I read while I was at those turbulent years. This post, by the way, is inspired by Zarah Gagatiga's efforts over at School Librarian in Action . Let me qualify "teen reads" first. These will be books I read while I was a teenager. And considering most of the books I read when I was a teenager, some of these books aren't really meant for teens. But then, who really reads according to his or her age group anyway? I speak as one who now enjoys a lot of children's and young adult titles. More importantly, whether my parents wanted me to read them or not, these books were discoveries. They were my first forays into the concept of empowerment--no one told me to read them. I just did, out o...