Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness

The Chaos Walking trilogy, of which Monsters of Men is the third book, is the best contemporary young adult series I've ever read. Ever. By contemporary YA, I mean anything published in the last 50-odd years, because I still have some loyalty to dear old Aslan and his crew. However, of all the YA I've read published in the last 54 years, the Chaos Walking trilogy is, far and away, the best of the lot. Better than Harry Potter? Yes. Better than The Dark Materials? Yes. Better than the Twilight series? God, yes! Better than Hunger Game s? Yes. Yes. Yes. (And I say this as one who really loves The Hunger Games .) And, Gaiman, I love you, but this beats your YA books, too. What makes this series so great? Three simple things: Relevant themes, fantastic storytelling, and outstanding writing. Monsters of Men is the last book in Chaos Walking . The first book, The Knife of Never Letting Go , made it to last year's list of my 10 best reads . The second boo...