Review Policy

Hi and welcome to Coffeespoons!

Thank you for your interest in having your book featured in this blog. I accept books for review and am also happy to do author/book promotions, interviews, contests/giveaways, and blog tours.

I am an eclectic reader, and my reading interests are primarily the following:

  • literary fiction
  • young adult
  • genre fiction (fantasy/speculative fiction, mystery/suspense, chick lit)
  • graphic novels

Because I am Filipino and Asian, I will give priority to Filipino and Asian fiction books (i.e., books published in the Philippines and Asia; or set in the Philippines or other Asian countries; or about Filipino or Asian characters.)

Please email me at fantaghiro23 (at) gmail (dot) com for review requests or other book-related promotion inquiries. Please don't forget to include a description of the book, the genre, its title, your affiliation to the book (author/publisher/other), and your contact info.

I accept either print or electronic copies of books for review. However, please email me first before sending me any copy of your book. If you are sending a print book, I'll provide you with my mailing address once you email with your request.

I also reserve the right not to accept books for review if it does not fit my interests or if I foresee that I cannot review or feature it in a timely manner.

Once I accept your book, I will feature it (via review, author interview, etc.) on my blog. It may take anywhere from 1 week to 2 months, depending on how busy I am. But I will feature every book I accept.

I do not guarantee that I will post a positive feature of a book that I accept. I will, however, be honest and fair in reviewing your book.

To check my interests and my reviews, please click here.


The books reviewed on this blog, unless expressly stated otherwise, were either purchased with my own money or given as a gift from a friend or relative. When the book I review is received from a publisher or author in exchange for a review or feature, this fact will be noted in the feature. I do not receive any kind of monetary compensation for any of the reviews or features posted in this blog. Any print books, ARCs, or ebooks given to me will not be sold. They will be kept personally or be given away to my blog readers in giveaways.

All posts in this blog are under the Creative Commons License.

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