
Showing posts from November, 2009

Review Policy

Hi and welcome to Coffeespoons! Thank you for your interest in having your book featured in this blog. I accept books for review and am also happy to do author/book promotions, interviews, contests/giveaways, and blog tours. I am an eclectic reader, and my reading interests are primarily the following: literary fiction young adult genre fiction (fantasy/speculative fiction, mystery/suspense, chick lit) graphic novels Because I am Filipino and Asian, I will give priority to  Filipino   and  Asian  fiction books (i.e., books published in the Philippines and Asia; or set in the Philippines or other Asian countries; or about Filipino or Asian characters.) Please email me at  fantaghiro23 (at) gmail (dot) com  for review requests or other book-related promotion inquiries. Please don't forget to include a description of the book, the genre, its title, your affiliation to the book (author/publisher/other), and your contact info. I accep...