Book Tidbits 10: On the Kindle and book awards
- The Kindle has gone worldwide! So, they'll finally ship to my neck of the woods, and I can get my own Kindle! Of course, soon as I work up the budget for one and figure out the other tech stuff which I barely understand. My take on whether the popularity of the Kindle will signal the demise of books: No. I myself really prefer ink and woodpulp. I can never give up on owning my books or adding to their already unmanageable number. And given the convenience and beauty of books that even a reader like the Kindle cannot match (books don't need power, books can have fantastic layouts and designs), I don't think that the book is one technology that will go away easily. So, personally, I don't mind purchasing another type of reading repository. I figure it's just another aspect of book collecting.:)
- The Man Booker Prize winner has been announced. This year, it's Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall, a historical fiction novel featuring Thomas Cromwell. Let's add that to the Booker Prize winners that I haven't read, but which I hope to read. Eventually. Sadly, though, the Booker prize winners have been hit-or-miss for me. Some I absolutely loved (e.g. Blind Assassin, Life of Pi), and some I just couldn't stand to finish (e.g. Vernon God Little). Here's hoping this one's a "hit."
- And since we're talking about prizes, the winner for the Nobel prize for literature has also been announced. Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with her writing, but, reading about her life gives me the impression that she's an outstanding woman. For what it's worth, I'm glad that a woman has won this year, considering that she's only the 12th woman to win in 108 years of the Nobel.
- Of course, to those who're not that into the Booker or the Nobel awards, here's something that might interest you more--the Cybils! It's a Children's and Young Adults Bloggers' Literary Awards. This was introduced to me by Tarie of Into the Wardrobe, who was a former grad school classmate and who also happens to be one of the judges for the Science Fiction and Fantasy category. Nominations for the awards are open to the public. So, head on over to Cybils and nominate your or your children's favorite books. (On an off note, Tarie didn't actually tell me about her blog. I was just blog-hopping around when I chanced upon her blog and realized I knew the author. Wonderful how we meet old friends and acquaintances through blogging.)
- Finally, I leave you with this--a hilarious peek at the kind of problems the book had when it first came out. It's great for a hearty laugh.
I still prefer print books, but wouldn't mind having one. I LOVE gadgets.LOL
@StephanieD - I've seen that video several times and it still cracks me up.
@Tarie - My pleasure.:)