Status Update--The Coffeespoons

October is ending, and around this time of the year, I like taking a good long look at where I am in my life. I think it has something to do with December creeping up, signalling the following things: Christmas, the end of another year, and the celebration of another birthday. Yup, I love December and its significance that, months before it, I like getting psychologically prepared. So, with two months left in the year, I thought I'd take a look at my reading progress. When I started this blog, I set out my general reading plan . Basically, I had pretty fluid goals--read a lot of books from my awards lists (Booker and Pulitzer) and other distinguished lists (1001 Books to Read before you die, BBC Big Read, Time 100 Novels). No time limit on the reading, and I do not intend to compel myself to read every book on these lists. Just the ones I am interested or vaguely interested in. I'll summarize my progress on these lists by this year's close, but now, I'm checking my stat...