Why I Blog - A Senior Project Meme

I started blogging only January of this year, 2009.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I set up a blog because I really wanted to talk about books I had read. I had recently joined a very active book club here in the Philippines that whetted my appetite for talking more about books with other book-lovers. I figured that, aside from the face-to-face discussions we had, there were other venues that I could use to talk about my passion. I slowly discovered blogging through the other book club members, too. So, given that I had time to blog, as i was on study leave, I started blogging.
3. What have you found to be the benefits of blogging?
Whereas I started blogging mainly for my benefit (meaning, I wrote and still write for me), I've met many people through the blogosphere and have discovered the power of the interactivity of blogging. I love that I get comments on my posts. I love it when people react to my posts. I also love reading and reacting to the posts of other bloggers. It's a great connectivity.
Another big benefit of blogging that I appreciate is the multiplicity of discourse and the ease with which this is carried out. It's so easy to show the different views to a subject matter because of hyperlinks, something that isn't so easy to do with traditional publishing.
4. How many times a week do you post an entry?
I never really time how often I post an entry. I just post whenever I finish a book and write a review. But, come to think of it, I used to post at least thrice a week. Lately, work's starting to be hectic again, so I get to post once a week.
5. How many different blogs do you read on a regular basis?
As much as possible, I try to read all the new posts in the blogs on my blog roll whenever I log on. That's around 20 or so blogs.
6. Do you comment on other people’s blogs?
Yes, I do. But not as often as I'd like.
7. Do you keep track of how many visitors you have? Is so, are you satisfied with your numbers?
I used to, but since I got a bit busy, I just take a look at the numbers. Honestly, I'm just glad that I do have readers, because I like the sense of community that it builds.
8. Do you ever regret a post that you wrote?
Not yet.:P
9. Do you think your audience has a true sense of who you are based on your blog?
My blog's a book blog. I don't like putting much personal stuff on my blog, like rants or reflections about my life. So, my audience will get to know me through the books I read and what I think about them. And I guess that's as true a sense as they can get, because honesty is my main criteria for my posts.
10. Do you blog under your real name?
No. I use a handle. But neither do I deny my real name.
11. Are there topics that you would never blog about?
Politics, maybe.
12. What is the theme/topic of your blog?
It's a book blog. Mainly. But I am tempted to put in teacher-y things.
13. Do you have more than one blog? If so, why?
Not yet. But I do plan to set up another blog for this reading project I'm planning at work. It won't be just my blog, though.