Book Tidbits 6: Lady detectives, dysfunctional families, The Wheel of Time, and Gaiman

Here's what I found recently on my favorite book news sites:

  • So, how well do you know fictional dysfunctional families? Take this quiz and find out.
  • Guess what? Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is finally going to be finished, albeit the tricky problem of the author's death. And is it going to end with Book 12? No! Strangely, the finale will be spread out to three books. Read more about the plans for the final books here.


Anonymous said…
I thought this series, Wheel of Time, would never end; so I abandoned it after the 4th or 5th book. Great to know there is a conclusion in the making. Will have to include this series in my 2010 reading pile. :D
fantaghiro23 said…
Funny, Jo. I abandoned it after the fifth book, too.:)

Been convincing myself to pick it up again, but the last time I read the fifth book was way back in college, and I can't remember all the plot strands anymore.

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