Book Tidbits 1
This is a new kind of post that I'd like to do once in a while: aggregate interesting news in the world of books and publishing. By interesting, I mean interesting to me. But I certainly hope it interests others, too.
- Seems all is not hopeless for the good old codex. Apparently, even in the midst of global economic crisis, books, especially in Europe, are still selling and selling well.
- Check out this new series of children's classics illustrated by contemporary prize-winning illustrators. I'm not really well-versed in art, but these are books that I'd love to get for my kids. The first five titles in the series are Wind in the Willows, Classic Poetry, Alice in Wonderland, The Secret Garden, and Don Quixote.
- It seems Kenneth Branagh is set to direct an adaptation of yet another Marvel hero, Thor. Though they say the front runner for the Norse god character is Josh Hartnett, I'm still hoping studio execs will lean towards Alexander Skarsgaard. After all, as the article says, he has the looks and the pedigree.:)
- More on why Alan Moore distances himself from movie adaptations of his graphic novels. And why his stories don't seem filmable. And his new work, which is SO not for kids.
- Times Online has compiled a list of 10 spectacular second novels. Interesting phenomenon, especially if the first novel was such a huge success. Most of the books, though, aren't contemporary. The other lists that might be of interest are the 10 bad second novels and the list of literary one-hit wonders. After going through these lists, I realize I seem to be partial to one-hit wonders.
- Check out these really great bookstores! For architecture, I love the Lello bookstore. But I think I'd be happiest in Shakespeare & Co. Antiquarian Books and El Ateneo in Buenos Aires.