
Showing posts from July, 2017

We #lovethemidlist

Hello. Still around. Or maybe I should say, finally around. Presence is a tricky thing, isn't it? You're here, but not here. Even when you want to be here. Anyway, I am here now. Determined (or at least convinced) that I should carve out some time to go back to writing. And to me, writing means blogging. Because that was most of the writing that I did for me. The other writing that I did for me would be Facebook status updates, but let's be honest: those disappear into the ether. And though you might get hundreds of engagements because of them, they're always tenuous at best. Now tenuous, too. But less so than Facebook status updates, so let's stick to this. I have so many things that I've wanted to write about, that I've wanted to say. And because they are legion, I'm not going to touch them lest I freeze up again. Instead, let us begin from zero... Imagine me as a new blogger. Eager to share books that I love with the world. Fois...