Best Reads of 2016 and the Year in Reading
My 10 best reads in the year 2016 They say better late than never. Besides, it's still Chinese New Year's eve somewhere in the world. So. Anyway, yes, this blog is still around. Mostly for sentimental reasons. And if there's one thing I have never missed in the 8 years that this blog has been live, it's posting my ten best reads of the past year. Obviously a bit late this time around, since I usually post this a few hours (or minutes!) before midnight of January first. But there was a family vacation, and then recovering from the family vacation, and then catching up with work, etc. know how that goes. Also, unlike last year, I didn't have the energy to do an in-depth analysis, with charts, of the books I read. Instead, I have some quick and dirty figures. For instance: I read 68 books last year - A far cry from my Goodreads goal of 100. My original goal was 60, which I changed to 100 because I figured I should count the children's books I...