Filipino Fridays 2013 #1: Hello, Reader!
Filipino Friday is an online meme which started in the Filipino Book Bloggers website, but is now used as an online activity in preparation for the Filipino ReaderCon . This is the prompt for this week's Filipino Friday: Hello, Reader! Let’s get to know you, and more importantly, what kind of reader are you? Laura E. Kelly released an infographic about Reader species — under what Domain/Class/Family/Genus/Species do you fall under? Give examples, and feel free to talk about why you belong to that species. Who knows, you may find readers in your own genus. ;) From Laura E. Kelly I've never liked being labeled, even though I may be the easiest person to label. I recall seeing this infographic before. I went through it and found too many cross-overs that seem to be addressed by the over-all term "cross bred reader mutt." I frankly think most readers are mutts. But in the interests of finding something within the species, I'm going to go with th...