What do I expect from the ReaderCon? (The last ReaderCon Filipino Friday)

It's 11 hours to the ReaderCon. I'm awake because I'm cramming for the event, and what better time to cram when everyone is asleep? Since I didn't make it on a Friday again, I promised that I'd at least post this before the ReaderCon. So I'm abiding by my promise. The last ReaderCon Filipino Friday topic is What do you hope will happen in the ReaderCon? What are you expecting from the event? I will try to answer this as best as 2AM and my sleep-deprived brain will let me. I hope it'll start on time, that's for sure. I hope all the little details fall into place. I hope the food's good and sufficient. I hope it'll be a success. But let me veer away from speaking as a volunteer and organizer. What I hope for the ReaderCon is what I've always hoped: that more and more people will realize that reading is something many Filipinos engage in and are passionate about. As a corollary, readers will find other readers or will give birth ...