
Showing posts from August, 2010

Of awards and book blogs

First, let me thank Aloi from guiltless reading for this award. Been a while since I got one of these (of course, it's been a while since I blogged semi-regularly), and it's always a pleasure. Anyway, to maintain the tradition of the book blogosphere's version of the chain letter (albeit with the added element of recognition), here are the rules for The Versatile Blogger award: Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. Share 7 things about yourself. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers you have just discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason. (in no particular order...) Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award. So, 7 things about me... I used to be a high school English teacher. I quit teaching after 12 years to concentrate on family and explore a career change. I have two wonderful and beautiful children. I eat like a horse... But I don't eat anything below the muscle (like liver,...

Watership Down by Richard Adams

While I was reading Watership Down , my husband asked me if it was about a submarine. I laughed out loud, an indulgent and affectionate laugh because mine was the assumed arrogance and superiority of a novel reader towards a comic book reader. But then I stopped because underneath that arrogance was a humiliating truth--a couple of years back, I also thought the same thing. Until, I realized that there were no submarines on any of the covers I had seen. Only rabbits and wide open fields. So I finally checked the back covers and was enlightened. Moral of the story: He who is arrogant is probably hiding a history of ignorance. Anyway, I had to read this book because 1) I own it; and 2) it's in my Chunkster Reading Challenge list. Admittedly, aside from it NOT being about submarines and ACTUALLY being about rabbits, I knew nothing much about the story. In other words, I read this cold, which is really how I like to read my books sometimes. Especially the well-renowned, classic o...

Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

Finally! I read the latest Sookie book! For those unfamiliar, the Sookie books are more correctly known as The Southern Vampire Mysteries , written by Charlaine Harris. The books are the inspiration for HBO's awesome, awesome vampire dramedy series, True Blood . No, the books aren't as gritty as the series. Plus, Alan Ball, the creator of True Blood, takes liberties with characters and plot lines. However, the books are the perfect fare for urban fantasy/romance fans or English majors who like having guilty pleasures. Though, come to think of it, those two sets of people aren't mutually exclusive. Anyway... [If you watch True Blood but do not read the books and do not want to know what may happen in True Blood, DO NOT READ the next part. In other words, SPOILERS AHEAD.] In this 10th Sookie Stackhouse novel, Sookie and her supernatural friends have emerged from the Fae War not entirely victorious. Many of her friends have been lost, including Sookie's fairy c...