Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? by Lorrie Moore
According to this Guardian article , the hullabaloo surrounding the release of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol was lost on American literati, whose attention were intent on A Gate at the Stairs , the new book from Lorrie Moore. I'd say that's pretty high praise for a book. Stands to reason, then, that I had high hopes for Moore's Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? . In a post about my bloot (book loot), I mentioned that I bought this book because I read somewhere that it was one of the best yet overlooked young adult books. After having read the book, let me qualify that remark now: first, if you're going to make a young adult read this, then it better be a very mature young adult, because this book is not of the J.K. Rowling-Rick Riordan-Suzanne Collins ilk. It opens with the main character Berie, already a middle-aged woman, who is vacationing in Paris with her husband whom she no longer loves. Berie's unhappiness leads her to reminisce on the summer of her ...