"The King's English: Adventures of an Independent Bookseller" by Betsy Burton
Read: 4/18/09 5/5 stars! It has taken me a month to actually blog about this book. Why? Because after reading it, I was so astounded and, plainly, just in love with it that I could not write about it or did not know where to start. I did not think I had the words to do justice to how much I fell in love with the book. But given how much I really want to share the merits of this book with everyone, permit me then to talk about this book in a way that will in no way capture it's impact for me but at least give you an idea of what I loved about it and why. The King's English is the name of an independent bookstore in Salt Lake City, Utah. The owner, Betsy Burton, put it up back in 1975 with a business partner. And though Ms. Burton has a different business partner now, The King's English still stands and holds its own against the big-chain bookstores and dot-coms dominating the bookselling market today. So, yes, it's a non-fiction book. And as a testament to how much I lov...