
Showing posts from March, 2025

9th year at PRH & our International Sales Conference

This week found me in London, at my tenth Penguin Random House US International Sales Conference, which means I’ve been with PRH for nine years now. It’s the longest time I’ve spent in one job. And in total, I’ve been in the book industry—local and international—for 16 yrs. Many people in the industry often say that people who start working in books stay in books, albeit they might move around. From what I can see, this is true, despite it being famously a low salary industry (compared to other industries, that is). I think there are many reasons for this, but I’m guessing one of the main ones is that if you’re in the book industry, you probably love books. Love reading, love anything to do with the written word and the worlds it creates or the fire or comfort it brings. That counts for a lot when your parents ask you why you didn’t push through with becoming an engineer, because imagine your salary now. (Kidding. They don’t ask me that. Anymore.) And then there are the people. Don’t g...